
Dental Health Program

Pharmacists Health Program



Articles, Publications, and Podcasts

Check out the Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP) articles and podcasts. Many thanks to our colleagues at the Federation of State Physicians' Health Programs for assistance in compiling these resources.

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Interested in having someone from the PA PHP come and speak to your group? Book a Speaking Engagement


If you have questions regarding the Pennsylvania Physicians' Health Program, please contact us.

Check Out Our FAQs Specific areas covered within our frequently asked questions resource include:

  • How large of a problem is chemical dependency among physicians, and how long does it usually take physicians to recover?
  • What kinds of problems will the PA PHP accept, and can we be sued for reporting a physician?
  • What are the benefits of the PA PHP and is there any cost?
  • If a person is referred to the PA PHP, does this threaten his or her license?
  • Is the PA PHP affiliated with the State Board of Medicine and how does the PHP work with the board?
  • Why should we have a Medical Staff Health Committee and who should be on the committee?
  • Because of the need for confidentiality, how will committees know the status of a physician in the program?
  • How can the Employee Assistance Program best relate to the Medical Staff Health Committee and the PA PHP?


Seeking help when you’re suffering from a substance use disorder, mental illness or other behavioral issue is hard. Compound with the pressures of working in the medical field and it becomes even harder.

The Physicians’ Health Program is here to help. We’ve created a set of posters for hospitals and other medical facilities to display in common areas where professionals gather. These eye-catching, yet simple designs can discreetly provide a struggling physician with the lifeline needed to get help.

Download and print these posters today.


Resource for Physician Well-Being and Preventing Burnout

Read the open letter to EAPs/PAPs

Physician burnout is a syndrome that has to potential to impact doctors in any specialty, in any treatment setting. Burnout can originate from work-related stress, and remains a significant topic today particularly during the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Left uncontrolled, occupational stress has the potential for negative consequences in an individual’s life, outside of work, beyond their chosen occupation even outside of work. There are a few resources one can take to mitigate the risk and symptoms of occupational stress and burnout. By actively taking well-being into consideration, individuals can improve their quality of life, find work-life balance, and reduce the negative impact of occupational stress.

The American Medical Association (AMA) suggests that “self-care is an important behavior that physicians in your practice can use to reduce their individual stress levels and prevent burnout. Some self-care interventions include meditation, actively managing health sleeping and eating habits, participating in a regular exercise routine, engaging in hobbies, or taking mini-breaks throughout the day in a quiet space to decompress.” With the resources below, one can learn ways to cope with stress and build efficacious defenses against burnout. 

The Physicians’ Health Program has specific providers who can assist you with services during this stressful time. For more information, call (866) 747-2255 or (717) 558-7819.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

"A Physical and Psychosocial Response for a Post-COVID-19 Workplace"

Presented by PHP Medical Director Edwin Kim, MD, MRO 
Download the PDF version

Well-being in Academic Medicine, a repository from the AAMC, lists dozens of articles, books, videos, and other resources, including many related to COVID-19.

The National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-being and Resilience provides pandemic-related resources.

A learning module from the American Medical Association describes how to identify at-risk physicians and facilitate access to treatment.

The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress of the Uniformed Services University provides COVID-19 fact sheets and webinars for health care providers and leaders.

The Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP) updates resources for physicians during COVID-19:

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) suggests their Aware app based on cognitive behavioral therapy for medical trainees: 

AMA tips for preventing burnout: 

AMA suggestions on increasing wellness efforts at your institution (be a champion locally): 

Psych Hub:
Free resource hub to help people address their mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Microsteps for Self-Care from Harvard:

FREE online Mindfulness-based support group for healthcare professionals treating COVID-19 patients by Caron and Providence Treatment:

  1. Tuesdays 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.
  2. Starts Tuesday April 14th and ends June 2, 2020

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) Disaster Distress Helpline:

UCLA has a Mindful App based on work from the Mindfulness Awareness Research Center (MARC): 

The University of Pennsylvania Program for Mindfulness offers courses on a rolling schedule: 

The University of Pennsylvania offers a Positive Psychology through Coursera for building resiliency: 

The Nursing License Map has compiled a list of mental health resources.

Additionally, research your institution’s Employee Assistance Program or inquire with human resources. Reach out to a member of the wellness committee. Contact your local medical or professional society for additional specialty-specific resources.  

Crisis Resources

September 17 is National Physician Suicide Awareness Day

npsa_logo_color_rgb_largeWith more than 400 deaths each year, suicide among physicians is a crisis we cannot ignore. Nearly every person in the medical community has been affected by physician suicide.

While there is a national call to take this one day to raise awareness surrounding physician suicide, the Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society's Physicians' Health Program provides resources and services to health care professionals struggling with mental health issues every day.

Below are some resources if you or someone you know is struggling, and some informational materials surrounding this important topic:

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1-800-273-8255, provides free and confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

The Pennsylvania Physicians' Health Program serves eligible health care professionals struggling with substance use disorders, mental illness and other behavioral health concerns. PHP staff can be reached by phone Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (866) 747-2255 or (717) 558-7819, Friday (emergency calls only) at (717) 558-7817, and by email at

The American Association of Suicidology is hosting a day of Facebook interviews for National Physician Suicide Awareness Day on Thursday, Sept. 17. You can follow their page for interviews with suicide prevention experts talking about physician suicide and what we can do to help.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has compiled postvention resources, facts about mental health and suicide, resources for health care professionals and medical educators, and a list of prevention programs.

The Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine has resources for National Physician Suicide Awareness Day.

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education compiled 10 facts about physician suicide and mental health.

The American Psychiatric Association Foundation's Center for Workplace Mental Health shared suicide prevention and response tools.

Emotional PPE is an organization that offers free individual therapy for health care
workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The support is confidential.

AMA's StepsForward provides a checklist for helping identify physicians who may be
at risk of suicide, helping facilitate access to appropriate care, and answering common
questions about physician distress and suicidal behavior.

Dr. Dike Drummond from shares this five-minute video
and walks you through some tips on how to reach out to a fellow physician or other
human in distress.

Vital Signs by The Physicians Foundation lists five vital signs to watch for in
colleagues and has a nice conversation tips sheet on having a difficult
conversation with somebody you recognize is struggling.

Project Parachute is an organization that offers free individual therapy and, in some
states peer support, for health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
support is confidential.

Physician Suicide: A Call to Action is an article that was published in May/June 2019 in Missouri Medicine, the journal of the Missouri State Medical Association. 

The Canadian Medical Association Journal published these five things to know about physician suicide in May 2019. They also produced a podcast about physician suicide.

Many thanks to our colleagues at the Federation of State Physicians' Health Programs for assistance in compiling these resources.